Conciliation can help landlords and tenants settle their claims without going to a hearing. Both sides have an opportunity to talk things out and clear up misunderstandings with the help of a Conciliator in the Rental Accommodations and Conversions Division (RACD). Conciliation does not require witnesses or lawyers. Even after you file a tenant petition, you may still ask for conciliation before your hearing.
Advantages of Conciliation
- Your problems are settled faster.
- You do not have to pay for it.
- You do not have to have a lawyer or a hearing expert.
- You may make an appointment that fits your needs, during normal RACD business hours.
- Conciliation helps both people work out a mutually agreeable settlement—unlike a hearing, where the Hearing Examiner makes the decision.
What Does the Conciliator Do?
The Conciliator:
- Listens to each person without taking sides
- Helps the landlord and tenant find areas that they can agree on
- Explains landlord and tenant rights and duties under the Rental Housing Act of 1985 (rent control law)
- Explains what may be violations of the law and how they may affect any case
Problems You Can Conciliate
- Decreases or changes in services and facilities
- Development or modification of 70 percent voluntary agreements
- Illegal rent increases
- Improper eviction notices
- Improper registration
- Rent refunds
- Retaliation
- Substantial housing code violations/ need for repairs
How to Ask for Conciliation or More Information
Visit the Rental Accommodations and Conversions Division, 1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE, or call (202) 442-7200.