When the weather turns cold, many residents have the same question: What can I do to help neighbors experiencing homelessness?
Start by saving the Shelter Hotline number in your phone. The number is (202) 399-7093 (you can also reach the hotline by dialing 311). You can call the Shelter Hotline to request transportation to a shelter for a resident experiencing homelessness. When calling, you will be asked to provide a location as well as a description of the person you are requesting transportation for. If you believe that a person is experiencing a medical emergency, you should call 911.
During Hypothermia Season (November 1 – March 31), the District provides outreach and assistance, welfare checks, warming items, and transportation to shelter 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Furthermore, whenever a Hypothermia Alert is called, we expand shelter capacity to ensure that there is a warm bed available for everyone who needs one. (Residents can sign up to receive notifications about when a Hypothermia Alert has been issued at alertdc.dc.gov.)