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Office of the Tenant Advocate

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OTA’s Rent Increase Cap Calculator 2024

If you live in a rent-controlled unit, you may use the OTA’s Rent Increase Cap Calculator to determine your maximum permissible increase for Rent Control Year (RCY) 2024 (May 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025).

You can download the calculator here: OTA’s Rent Increase Cap Calculator

The OTA’s news item explaining the RCY 2024 rent increase caps can be found here: REVISED Summary of New Rent Control Rent Increase Caps: 2.9% for elderly/disability tenants; 4.9% for most other tenants

If you would like to understand the math that the calculator performs, that explanation is below. HOWEVER, you may simply enter the appropriate amounts into the blue boxes in the calculator to determine your maximum increase. It is not necessary to understand all of the underlying math. If you have any questions, please contact the OTA at (202) 719-6560.



RCY = “Rent Control Year” (May 1 – April 30)

E/D tenant = “Elderly tenant or tenant with a disability”

T = “tenant”


Caps / Formulas for RCY 2024 (5/1/24-4/30/25) rent increases:

  1. All E/D tenants: their cap is  2.9% (no exceptions);

  2. Non-E/D tenants (2 categories):

    a. RCY 2023 rent increase: if either (i) none; or (ii) rent increase between 7/1/23 & 4/30/24:  4.9% (no exceptions);

           b. RCY 2023 rent increase in May or June of 2023: The lesser of:

               1.  The remainder of the 12% 2-year cap.**

               2.  4.9% of the RCY 2023 rent; OR 


(i.e., for category #2b tenants, how to calculate the remainder of the 2-year 12% cap):  

  1. Multiply T's rent amount as of 4/30/2023 (the "RCY 2022 rent") by 0.12  = T's 2-year cap in dollar terms ($A);

  2. T's RCY 2023 (5/1/23 - 4/30/24) rent increase in dollar terms = $B 

  3.  Remainder of the 2-year cap =   $A – $B

The RCY 2024 max rent increase for this T is the lesser of (1) $A – $B or (2) 4.9%.

Mathematical example for category #2b

  • Calculating the 2-year cap in $ terms:

    • Tenant's RCY 22 rent charged amount (as of 4/30/23) = $1,800

    • 12% of the RCY 22 rent is $1,800 X 0.12 = $216 (“$A”).

  • RCY 23 rent increase in $ terms

    • Rent increased effective June 1, 2023 (by 8%) to $1,944 (“RCY 23 rent”)

    • That's a rent increase of $1,944 – $1,800 = $144 (“$B”)

  • Remainder of the 2-year cap

    • $216 (A) – $144 (B) =  $72

  • Dollar amount of the 4.9% cap based on RCY 23 rent charged:

    • $1,944 X 0.049 = $95

  • Lesser of (i) remainder of 2-year cap & (ii) 4.9% cap:  

    • $72 (remainder of 2-year cap) is less than $95 (cap of 4.9% of the RCY 23 rent)

    • Thus, the 2-year cap remainder applies; T's maximum RCY 24 rent increase is $72.

Please note:  

  • ​This comparison applies regardless of the effective date / month of the rent increase for RCY 24 (5/1/24 - 4/30/25).

  • Importantly, the above mathematical calculation only applies to non-E/D tenants whose rent increase last year – for RCY 23 (5/1/23 - 4/30/24) – was in May or June 2023.  

  • All other tenants will have a maximum rent increase for RCY 24 of either 2.9% (for E/D tenants) or 4.9% (for non-ED tenants) – period!