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Ask the Advocate- Does a change in roomates require a change in the lease?

Monday, June 17, 2013

The fifth “Ask the Advocate” feature appears in the June 14th issue of the Washington Post Express’s “Ready to Rent” section. 

Q: A friend of mine recently broke up with a partner with whom he shared his apartment. The breakup wasn’t pretty. My friend is keeping the apartment, and the ex is moving out. Does he need to sign a new lease that does not have the ex’s name on it? What could happen if the ex’s name remains on the lease?

A: Generally a new lease is not required, but the lease itself may require notice to the landlord when a named co-tenant moves out.

A new co-tenant will likely be subject to the landlord’s approval, and the landlord will almost certainly want to replace the name of the departed co-tenant with the name of the new co-tenant on the lease.

Click here to view the full article from Washington Post.