On July 10th, the Council passed emergency legislation to establish requirements regarding the handling of the personal belongings of an evicted tenant. Please note that emergency measure supersedes a different measure that passed on June 26th. Please also note that the Mayor has until July 25th to sign or otherwise act on the bill before it becomes law. The need for the legislation was created when the US Marshals Service announced in April that Marshals would no longer oversee the removal of the tenant’s belongings from the rental unit onto the street curb. The new law requires the housing provider to give the tenant at least 14 days-notice of the date of the eviction. Following the eviction, the housing provider must maintain the tenant’s personal belongings in the rental unit for seven days excluding Sundays and holidays, and must give the tenant a minimum of eight hours access to the unit to remove the property. B22-895, the “Eviction Procedure Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2018” is expected to become law on July 25, 2018. View the link to the legislation here. The US Marshalls Service website detail changes in the eviction process.