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Office of the Tenant Advocate

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Elderly / Disabled Tenant Rent Control Registration Clinic

Monday, August 29, 2011
The Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA) will hold an Elderly Tenants / Tenants with Disabilities Registration Clinic at the Fourth Annual Tenant & Tenant Association Summit on Saturday, September 17, 2011.

The D.C. Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA) will conduct a rent control registration clinic for elderly tenants (age 62 and over) and tenants with disabilities at the Fourth Annual Tenant & Tenant Association Summit.  This clinic will run from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, September 17, 2011, at the Kellogg Conference Center on the campus of Gallaudet University, located at 800 Florida Ave., NE, Washington, DC. 

The purpose of the rent control clinic is to help qualified elderly tenants (age 62 and over) -- and tenants with disabilities -- register their status with the Rent Administrator’s office (RAD).  RAD registration is necessary to exercise the right to a lower rent cap under the District’s rent control law.  Under this law, most tenants who live in rent controlled units are subject to a maximum standard annual rent increase of the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) % plus 2%.  But elderly tenants (age 62 and over) and tenants with disabilities who live in rent controlled units are entitled to a lower rent cap of just the CPI.  Thus, in “rent control year 2011” (which actually runs from May 1, 2011 through April 30, 2012), elderly tenants and tenants with disabilities are subject to a maximum rent increase of 2.2 percent, while other tenants who live in rent control units are subject to a maximum rent increase of 4.2 percent. 

Many eligible renters in the District of Columbia are not aware of this valuable protection.  Participants in this clinic will be able to complete and submit the necessary paperwork on-site.  Participants need to bring appropriate age and/or disability documentation to the workshop. There is no processing fee and the protection is provided without regard to income. Please forward this information to any tenant you know who you believe may qualify.  For more details please see the following link:  Flyer for Elderly Tenant / Tenant with Disability Rent Control Registration Clinic at the 2011 OTA Summit*

The full Summit program will run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with Summit registration starting at 8:00 am.  To attend other sessions at the Summit as well as the free rent control clinic, please register now online by clicking Register Online Now to Reserve Your Space! or call (202) 719-6560 to register by telephone.  You may also register for the Summit on-site. Summit registration is not necessary to participate in the rent control registration clinic.  However, if you would like to attend only the clinic, please remember that this portion of the program runs only from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

Article Recap

  • Elderly tenants and tenants with disabilities have special rights under the rent control law.
  • If you live in a rent controlled unit and you (1) are 62 years of age of older, or (2) have documented disability, then you have the right to a lower cap on your annual rent increase.
  • The OTA will be holding an Elderly Tenant / Tenant with Disability Rent Control Registration Clinic on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the Fourth Annual Tenant & Tenant Association Summit.
  • The Summit runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Kellogg Conference Center on the campus of Gallaudet University, located at 800 Florida Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20002, and the rent control registration clinic runs from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
  • Register Online Now for the Fourth Annual Tenant & Tenant Association Summit . Registration is Free!

Other important Links

Getting to the Tenant Summit

Gallaudet University's Kellogg Conference Center is located at 800 Florida Ave, NE Washington, DC 20002.

Public Transportation: Red Line Metro- New York Avenue Stop (.51 walk) or 90 Bus or Phone: 202-637-7000

There will be free on-site parking at the event. Click here for your free parking pass.

Click here for Directions by Car.

 Click On Interactive Google Map  for more details (The "A" represented in the map is the main entrance to Gallaudet Univ)

Kellogg Conference Center - Click here for Gallaudet Campus Map

 kellogg conference center