(Washington, DC) - As part of a routine test conducted upon the commencement of external renovations to Court Building B, elevated lead levels were found in 17 of the 52 spots tested. As a result, the Court hired an environmental contractor to clean all areas of the building. As an extra precaution, Court Building B will be closed for approximately two weeks, beginning today, while the cleaning takes place.
Superior Court operations will be shifted to other locations as follows:
– All filings will be submitted to the Civil Clerk’s Office in JM-170 of the Moultrie Courthouse. Scheduled hearings will take place in courtroom 111.
Small Claims
– All filings will be submitted to the Civil Clerk’s Office in JM-170 of the Moultrie Courthouse. Scheduled hearings will take place in courtroom 114.
Family Court Social Services Division
– Juvenile Probation Officers will be contacting their clients directly to instruct them on how to comply with their probation during this two-week period.
The DC Courts are committed to providing a safe and secure environment. While this short-term building closure will cause some inconvenience, it will ensure that the building is healthy and safe.