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Office of the Tenant Advocate

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New User-Friendly OTA Legislative Tracking Charts & OTA Legislative Testimonies

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The OTA has redesigned its legislative tracking materials to make them more user-friendly. These charts serve as a tool for the tenant community and others to monitor the status of tenant protection and other rental housing measures that are introduced at the DC Council.
New features include links to the Council’s individual web page for each bill, color coding to indicate the status of each bill, and dates for each step in the legislative process. The Microsoft Excel versions feature “sticky” headings that stay within view as the user scrolls through the document, making for easier navigation on a computer screen.

Our aim is to update the current chart (currently CP 24) on at least a monthly basis.
Also, you may find newly posted OTA legislative testimonies since February 2020 here.