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OCTFME to Hold Public Town Halls on Cable Needs Assessment for District Residents

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The District of Columbia Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (OCTFME) will hold four public town halls as part of a needs assessment study of the cable related needs of District residents. This study will inform OCTFME of the community needs in preparation for its franchise negotiations and programming efforts. These town halls are an important part of that process and offer District residents the opportunity to share their comments.

"We look forward to hearing the opinions of our residents, and it is important that the District residents have a seat at the table," said Angie M. Gates, Director of OCTFME. "Our goal is to make sure the District's franchise agreements and public, educational and governmental ("PEG") channel programming meet the current and future needs of the citizens of the District."

The four public hearings are scheduled as follows:

Date Location Time
April 27 North Michigan Park Recreation Center
1333 Emerson Street, NE
6-7:30 pm
April 30 Ft. Stanton Recreation Center
1812 Erie Street, SE
12-3 pm
May 4 Emery Recreation Center
5701 Georgia Avenue, NW
6-7:30 pm
May 11 One Judiciary Square-Old Council Chambers 6-8 pm

Residents are asked to submit written comments in advance of their participation in the respective public hearings to [email protected]. Residents unable to attend any of the town halls are encouraged to submit written comments no later than May 6, 2016.