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Treble Damages

Temple v. DC Rental Housing Commission [PDF], 536 A.2nd 1024 (1987) - Rental Housing Commission’s award of trebled rent overcharges, due to landlord’s failure to timely register his housing accommodation, was justified, despite landlord’s contention that nonregistration constituted “technical” violation, that tenants had full use of property, that he attempted to comply with registration requirements, and that government error caused his nonregistration.

McCulloch v. DC Rental Housing Commission [PDF], 584 A.2nd 1244 (1991) - Evidence supported Rental Housing Commission’s award of treble damages against landlord who raised rent based on hardship petition after finding rental unit was not in substantial compliance with housing code so as to permit increase in rent on hardship basis; record did not reflect exceptional circumstances that would warrant award of single instead of treble damages and did not establish that landlord did not “knowingly” violate statute.

Mudd v. DC Rental Housing Commission [PDF], 546 A.2nd 440 (1988) – Assessment of treble damages against managing agent of owner who rented substandard premises to tenant contrary to owner’s direction to sell premises and who failed to correct serious deficiencies in property for eight months was not abuse of discretion under statute permitting award of treble damages for elimination of “related” services to rental premises.